Monday, 18 November 2013

Celebrate, We're White, Tonight ! Its a Celebration !

Am on the lookout for Amy, friend to a Roastbuster victim, who began the saga that ended in Willie and JT being taken off air until next year.

I want to ask her whether she sees that outcome as a fair solution to her concern about young girls drinking, hanging out with predatory young men, being raped, and one girl laying a formal complaint to the police.

Somehow I doubt what happened to Willie and JT was the outcome she was looking for.

How did an issue involving mainly white girls, white boys, white police, white politicians, and white RadioLive officials end up with only two scalps, both of them Maori. Two other RadioLive hosts Sean Plunkett and Andrew Fagan's comments were worse, but they haven't been forced to fall on their swords. As I said, Celebrate, We're White, Tonight !

Grovelling apologies from Maori men aren't the norm and Willie and JT could certainly learn a thing or two from their Pakeha colleagues. I think the ability to grovel is a talent inherited from the days of English serfdom when a grovelling apology vs a reluctant apology might mean the difference between a hanging, a whipping or just getting your hand chopped off. Yes. Sean and Andrew while you might occasionally wish you could do the haka better, or pronounce Maori better, you and your whanau must be now rejoicing in your whiteness.

Then again Willie and JT could learn a thing or two from the Police about how to keep your job when you have power and you use that power to support rapists by not charging them.  

As for the ANZ (the "send a billion a year to Oz" bank) who led the hysterical withdrawal of advertisers from RadioLive, who made you the moral arbiters for NZ. Never mind the $10,000 donation to salve your brand, how about keeping the billion a year in NZ and putting some of it back to the people who earned it for you.

Giovanni Tiso must be quietly pleased that a few well placed barbs got Willie and JT off air. Such an outstanding result for so little effort and to top it all off, celebrated by half a page in the NZ Herald no less. Could life get any better. And of course none of it was racially based, it just so happened that you overlooked the Sean and Andrew diatribes and will (of course) get onto your campaign to get rid of the police responsible for allowing the rapists to carry on raping for another two years after the first complaint. But what with the interviews, the adulation and the euphoria that comes when you rip the scalps off a couple of lippy Maori you just haven't had the time.

Yes. Giovanni. Lets, Celebrate, We're White, Tonight ! It's a Celebration !


  1. What a load of crap. It is comments like this that creates the division between brown and white. It it nothing to do with Maori or Pakeha. It is about right and wrong. Thats it. Nothing else.

    1. Al Sahra - 'it is comments like this that creates the division between brown and white'. This issue and the way it has being dealt with is divisive in and of itself. Four broadcasters are taken to task on this issue of which two are stood down. Which two were stood down Al? Can you please remind me? Broader to that who stated that a 'formal complaint' had not been made? Yet that statement was found to be erroneous. You say it has nothing to do with Maori and Pakeha and I would argue that if that were the case why are two Maori broadcasters not currently broadcasting at the moment? Yet two Pakeha broadcasters who enunciated similar views are?...and who work for the same broadcaster. Think this through now.

  2. If it was that clear cut, ie 'right & wrong', then why weren't the other radio hosts also sacked? as they were just as culpable. No one should condone the behaviour of the talkback hosts as they foolishly focused on the girls and their actions but none of the gilrs had a big 'rape me' on their foreheads and none of them wanted to be degraded and humiliated. This article brings to light the hidden agenda around racism. Why weren't the cops also sacked for disregarding rapes? Whereas Willie & JT are gone, the other two remain? why?

  3. Maori should be loud and clear against our own when they behave appallingly especially to ANY women regardless of who they are! Totally and thoroughly disagree with this article entirely. Our Maori women's collective, and many many other Maori, were very vocal against the behaviour of Willie and JT. Thank you very much.

    1. Kia ora Marama. Do you have an explanation as to why Sean and Andrew are still on air despite their samevein comments. Or why Giovanni chose not to include them in his rage at the advertisers. Or why the police responsible for allowing these young men to rape and rape and rape and rape and rape again have not been the focus of his rage and yours. Maori women aren't obliged to silence themselves when our men do stupid, cruel and degrading things, but nor are we obliged to lead the charge.....because we know and love them in ways that racists couldn't begin to understand.

    2. Marama you appear not to acknowledge that both Willie and JT have apologised (several times in fact) for their comments. The way you're carrying on, you'd think that they were the rapists. Both of them work in the area of restorative justice and unlike you, they deal with the rapists in a very pragmatic way- they try to rehabilitate them and their whanau. So why don't you get off your high horse, get over your hatred of JT and Willie and see the bigger picure for what it is- Maori taking the fall for the racists, bigots, facists, politicians & police who do nothing to deal with the rapists. That Marama is where you should be directing you loudness

    3. Not that I don't enjoy being called a racist by someone hiding behind a pretty ghastly pseudonym (you going to hunt down this girl now? You're all class), but I have in fact explained why I singled Willie and JT. Here it is again.

      Firstly, the Plunket segment happened on the morning of the Amy interview, but very few people were aware of it. I first heard about it the Monday after, and it wasn’t covered in the media until Tuesday afternoon – seven days after airing. By this stage I had found a recording on the Mediaworks website (Amy Maas, who wrote the article, thought that there wasn't one). I posted it on Twitter and they took it down exactly ten minutes later. By this time, Plunket was already off the air and holidaying in Australia.

      Fagan did his thing the day _after_ I sent the letters to the advertisers. I denounced him as did, most people. And I continued to go after RadioLive very aggressively. Somebody could have written to _his_ advertisers as well. Not sure why it had to be me to be honest. By this stage it was all I could do to keep up (in my spare time) with the reaction to the letters I had written.

      All that said, I still think the Willie and JT segment was the worst of the three. On its own merits, first of all, but also because the station packaged it as a podcast to stir up the controversy, and even used a bit of it for the show’s promos. They _wanted_ people to be outraged. And when they came on the next day and offered their bullshit apology, that was really the last straw. They deserve what happened from there on in, and are the sole authors of their misfortune. All they needed to do was either offer an actual apology the day after, or come off the air for a day or two instead of strutting.

      It’s still important to acknowledge that RadioLive is also responsible, as I’ve said ad nauseam throughout the affair. On this point, see also the column by notorious Maori basher Matt McCarten:

    4. Kia ora Giovanni, I launched the blog last night from my Facebook page and neither want nor need anonymity. The point is that you were enraged by W and JT;s comments and went after them. There was nothing to stop you sending the advertisers an addendum adding Sean and Andrew to the list of those whose advertising you wanted blackballed. The fact that you ran out of time/puff/rage is why I asked the question as to why is it that an event involving mainly white people, ended up with two Maori scalps. You had enough time/puff/rage to go after W and JT, but not enough to go after Sean and Andrew, not to mention the responsible police who left those young men to rape and rape and rape and rape again. Which is why those who are white and involved have every right to Celebrate, We're White. Tonight. Donna Awatere Huata

    5. If you had followed my campaign on Twitter, Donna, you'd know I didn't exonerate Fagan nor Plunket, but above all I was critical of Radio Live, just as much as of Willie and JT themselves. The campaign started by targeting advertisers of the offending show – and it was *the* offending show at that point – and it got the response that it did very quickly. Some of them pulled out of RadioLive altogether. I suppose that at that moment (it was late Thursday) we could have gone after Andrew Fagan, and maybe get ourselves a Pakeha scalp. Not sure it would have been the wrong thing to do, either. Hell, we could have fished out that Bob Jones column from a month ago and gone after him, too. Personally, my greatest reserve of outrage was for Willie & JT and RadioLive, and I directed my energies accordingly. The Amy interview, the timing of it, the way they boasted about it, the way they promoted it, was simply too much to bear. If you think that it’s a race-based judgment, so be it. What I categorically reject is the idea that nobody else could have done the same thing I did. I was encouraging people to, telling them exactly how I was going about it every step of the way, sharing all of the info and the contact details of the advertisers. I even asked: what about Fagan? Then on Tuesday I asked again: what about Plunket? And still I wasn’t getting so much as a peep from RadioLive.

      I’d add that by the beginning of the second week I was busy trying to get the advertisers to give money to Rape Prevention Education. We raised over $20,000, which is not bad. Was it all meaningless because Willie and JT are temporarily off the air, while Bob Jones has got his column and Fagan his radio slot? I don’t think so. But then it’s not for me to judge. And maybe I’m not the only one who should be judged, either. What were you doing on Thursday night last week, Donna, not listening to Fagan’s show, not writing down the names of his advertisers, not sending out emails?

    6. Giovanni you are truly despicable. You pat yourself on the back for 'encouraging people ....every step of the way..." Aren't you just the man. How is it that you didn't go after the cretinous rapists or the Distict Police Commander or the Minister of Police. And why don't you launch a campaign to get them fired for their failure to convict the rapists? You need to expend your vindicative, misguided energies on hounding the rapists and those officials who should be held accountable. You made a judgement call - a rather poor one- to attack Willlie and JT and bully the advertisers and you're still sitting in judgement by condemning those who in your opinion are not following your bad example. Giovanni when the heat turns down on this debate, one thing is certain, it will be Willie and JT who will be working with the rapists and their families, rehabilitating them not because they support rapists, but because they genuinely want our communities to be safe. If you don't believe me then start asking the people who work for them and then talk to the local Maori police in Auckland. They'll confirm what I'm saying.

    7. "How is it that you didn't go after the cretinous rapists or the Distict Police Commander or the Minister of Police."

      We've all been doing that. Where have you been in the last couple of weeks, exactly? Did you hear about the petition and the marches?

      As for the rest of your comment, I acknowledge you're in full support of Willie and JT, and think the Amy interview didn't warrant any censure. Peace.

    8. You're still MIS-judging me. Why would you think that I didn't go after those officials? You make assumptions because your superiority complex gets the better of you. Good on you for marching and writing petitions, the real work though is with the rapists themselves and their families- rehabilitating them. That's what Willie and JT will be doing unlike sanctimonius theorists like yourself and Marama D and her ilk.

    9. Another anonymous person Wit Flash :)

      Ka aroha to all the women (including Maori) who will be further traumatised by all these people sticking up for JT and Willies interview. Ka aroha.

  4. Giovanni you're a mean nasty piece of work. You have all the excuses for the Pakeha boys and none for the Maori. You don't fool me- you single out Maori when all four made irresponsible comments. That ,Giovanni is racism plain and simple. I'll say it how it is- you're a racist.
    Your stupid excuses about hearing Fagan and Plunkets' comments after the fact don't wash with me. In fact I'm certain that you didn't even hear what Fagan said because then you would know that what he said was worse. Willie and JT are not the 'sole authors of their misfortune.' You've been doing your best to cause them more misfortune than they deserve. Radio live management posted that Amy segment- why don't you redirect your hatred and racism to them. Willie and JT don't deserve the hateful treatment being metered out to them by the likes of you.

    1. I mentioned that Fagan's comments were pretty much as bad as Willie and JT's in one of the Mary Wilson interviews. But like I said, it happened _after_ I sent out the letters (this is simply a matter of public record). You insist I should have also contacted his sponsors, but, you know, _anyone_ could have. Why didn't you?

      For the record, I have received a number of messages of support from Maori activists beside Marama. I'm okay with my conscience, and grateful for their solidarity. You can keep calling me a racist for as long as it makes you feel better.

    2. Giovanni,

      What are you talking about? One interviewer called the victim of a rape a liar and hung up on them, the other interviewer asked a friend of a rape victim quite inappropriate lifestyle questions. You haven't listened to the interviews have you!

  5. Hah what a joke. Marama who???? You're solid with who? Marama Davis just came down in the last shower. Go talk to real grassroots Maori- they'll tell you who they support and it won't be her. JT and Willie have many more Maori supporters behind them and much more credibility in the Maori community for all the good work that they do. So Giovanni for as long as you keep up your racist tirade against Willie & JT, I'll keep calling you a racist which you are.

    1. That's fine, it's your prerogative, and I really don't care either way. I don't matter in this whole story. What I'm interested in is whether you think that in fact what Willie and JT did was serious and there should have been some consequence, or not. Because if the only thing you're mad about is that some Pakeha broadcasters got away scot-free, nothing prevents you to do the same thing I did. I'd back you up.

    2. 'Maori should be loud and clear against our own when they behave appallingly especially to ANY women regardless of who they are! Totally and thoroughly disagree with this article entirely. Our Maori women's collective, and many many other Maori, were very vocal against the behaviour of Willie and JT' Marama Willie and JT as broadcasters ask questions. Both have admitted that in this particular instance they got it wrong but within the broader totality of the korero they absolutely and utterly denounced the actions and talk of the ‘Roast busters’. Marama, Willie and JT actually work at the social coal face with perpetrators of sexual and violent crimes. Neither sit in an ivory tower theorizing through an academic prism about how to deal with the social ills of their particular parts of Auckland, both actively work toward stopping violent crimes against woman and people in general by working with the perpetrators of. Broader to that both mean proactively work toward stopping the root cause of societal dysfunction by way of empowering Whanau, hapu, Iwi and community. Their whakapapa in social services is not measured in hours, weeks and or months but in fact in decades. Both men ply their trade in what many people see as our urban margins; South and West Auckland. Maori and Pacifica from both communities utilize their social services on a daily basis in helping inform and advance their life’s lot. To cast either man as villains and propagators of ‘rape culture’ while not looking at the content (the korero in its entirety the day this issue blew up), what they have since said (apologized), what they do (work in the social services sectors) and what they have done (helped thousands of people at the bottom of the social food chain) is nothing but a knee jerk head line grabbing self-promotion that is obscured by short sightedness.

    3. You going to tell that to those very women from those communities who contacted us to say how unsafe they now feel around them because of their interview? The ones who have non-stop been texting and calling and emailing us to support our Open Letter - that is Maori urban woman and men from those very communities that Willie and JT work in?

      Nothing good that anybody does, excuses bad behaviour when it happens. Especially the type of behaviour that contributes to attitudes that abuse women and children. We can't look to community work over decades to excuse that sorry. And are you making judgements about what I some of us do and don't do in our communities? Ooh dangerous. Don't go there.

    4. Marama - while I don't know Willie and John Tamihere well as I am a little further down the food chain in terms of the position I hold I do know the organizations they front well enough to know that 75-80% of their work force are Maori woman. You are welcome to ring either Te Whanau O Waipareira Trust 09-836 6683 and or MUMA (09) 277 7866 to verify that. I suggest you also ask the woman who work at either organization if they feel unsafe around their bosses and I say that with all sincerity. I have asked a number of woman at one of the particular organizations and their answers are in stark contrast to your ' how unsafe they now feel'. They had a meeting with a number of their Waipareira counterparts re this issue. My point being that they at this particular organization they don't feel the slightest bit unsafe. In point of fact Marama a number of the woman have a very disdainful point of view of you re your framing of this issue and I don’t begrudge them of their view of you as I don’t begrudge you of your view re Willie and John – but feel obliged to engage you upon. I would humbly suggest that these women know their bosses quite well given some have worked for them for many, many years and in working in such organizations that means having kai with, socializing with, having hui with, advocating for and with and seeking support from each other when needed. These organizations are coal face social interventions that work with Maori on a day to day, week to week, year to year basis. Generally speaking people –let alone strong willed Maori woman – do not stay in an environment where they feel unsafe and or unsupported however don’t take my word for it Marama – simply call the numbers I have listed and talk to a group of Maori woman that probably have the best view of Willie and John –outside of their Whanau – re their sensibilities around woman and woman’s issues. Truth can be found in proximity Marama and doesn’t always have to be crunched through a newly acquired academic prism.

    5. Far out I won't be sharing any names or phonenumbers with you of women who are terrified of sticking their neck on the line because it will get chopped off if they say anything against JT and Willies interview and who sit alongside them in various positions in the community and are thoroughly pissed off.

      If they were my sons/fathers/brothers/uncles/friends I might be loyal to them but I would not back them up for their terrible behaviour in that interview. If my sons were ever to grow up and do that I would be highly disappointed and would tell them so and would understand the many many voices, especially of Maori women who are speaking out against them. By the way it's more than Leonie and I. Have you noticed?

      And enough with the ignorant judgements about who we are and what we do. As I said those are dangerous assumptions and I wouldn't go there.

      Are you a real person? Do you want to lay your actual real identity on the line like most of us here are? Apart from the ones trying to discredit Leonie and I that is.

    6. Being busy.

      In reply to what you proffer. These things should always have context. Willie Jackson and John Tamihere are married to two proud and strong Maori woman. They are the sons of Maori woman who they are beholden to and they are fathers to Maori daughters.

      Neither have conviction for crimes of violence or any other kind against woman.

      Both Willie Jackson and John Tamihere employ Maori woman who make up the majority of their staff. My point being none of the Maori woman closest to the men family wise and or work wise are intimidated by and or scared of them. Issues such as these should be based on facts and not knee jerk emotive reactions.

      Willie and John are not beyond reproach or rebuke and both know that and nor should they ever be however in the same respect neither should be unfairly treated because of the fact they have a profile. Equitability should be apportioned irrespective of station.

      Equitability has not prevailed in this particular instance. Not even close. That two particular broadcasters remain in their jobs is interesting, very, very interesting. That they weren’t hauled over the coals with the same vitriol by those concerned concerns me.

      That you state ‘If they were my sons/fathers/brothers/uncles/friends I might be loyal’ is in and of itself is interesting. I support them because I am Maori and believe and as mentioned believe in having an equitable New Zealand for all people.

      I also support them because I have seen what Waipeireira and MUMA have done in South and West Auckland for both Maori and Pacifica Whanau. Lastly, I also support them because I believe in the fundamental tenets of restorative justice, a practice I was taught by Naida.

      People make mistakes, it happens daily but in showing forgiveness (I have sat in a number of RJ conferences) you see the true power of compassion and understanding that builds not corrodes communities.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sorry but in WHAT universe are Roast Busters like Joseph Parker "white" boys??
    In what universe are the Rickards "white" cops??
    As for knowing all about the identity of the victims I will have to take your word for it while doubting that you know any more than I do.

    If Maori do something wrong then there is always pressure from some in te ao Maori to not openly criticize. Saying we should not criticize Willie and JT as a form of solidarity is really really dangerous and misguided. So often i see people in mainstream media saying this thing and that thing are just "The Maori way" and that to criticize is "racist" (if your pakeha) or traitorous (if your Maori). Eg the Kohanga Reo thing in the news recently.

    I reckon this is just a dishonest way of shutting down dissent that does us no favours. Blaming rape victims is NOT tikanga Maori, getting annoyed when people like Willie and JT do that is NOT racism.

    ~~Sassi St Claire~~

    1. Sassie - did you even read the article?

  8. Yes Tele I did... and I have also read the korero surrounding this article both here and on fb, have you?

    1. Wow, that you've 'read the korero' and framed it in the way you have is disturbing.

  9. Kia ora Donna,

    I'm hyper-sensitive to cases of Maori bashing. It's easy to pick. But this isn't a case of Maori bashing.

    Willie and JT were stood down because they inappropriately interrogated an 18 year old. Amy (and her friend's) credibility was attacked, their dignity questioned and their experiences were minimised. What's worse - and as Giovanni explains - RadioLive uploaded the audio and promoted it. The show reached an audience that Plunket and Fagan did not.

    But that's irrelevant, really. Constructing the incident as another example of Maori mistreatment is wrong. This was a case of two grown men using their power to inappropriately question an 18 year old who called their show in good faith. And to call or imply Giovanni is racist for calling out an abuse of power is unfair.

    I still respect Willie and JT. I know them only as good men. Willie was a man I looked up to. What they have done for their communities is admirable and I still respect them for that. But that's not a reason to let them off the hook for the interview they conducted. To reduce the issue to an example of racism does a disservice to the victims of rape culture. Because this was never about race.

    1. Morena Morgan. I would be more convinced that W and JT weren't victims of Maori bashing if Sean and Andrew had been hunted down by Giovanni, talkback radio, media in general and Marama and Leonie in particular. The fact that some of the bashing has been done by Maori doesn't excuse it, nor should the fact that Maori bash Maori be used to give comfort to racists. We have always had in our history times when some Maori would go to war against other Maori for their own reasons and no doubt Maori feminists will have some. Attack W and JT for their actions by all means, but be even handed about it and don't ignore the sameview actions by the white announcers.

    2. Balanced and fair comment Morgan. This is not Maori bashing - this is sexism, rape culture and misogynist bashing.

  10. Hello,

    I am not sure about how well-meaning this blog is towards sexual violence. But I am going to assume there's a reasonable person administering this blog.

    FYI, the so-called "Roastbusters" - the group of West Auckland teenagers,currently under investigation for allegations of sexual assault of young women - some of them under the age of consent - come from a range of cultural/ethnic backgrounds. Not all of the group concerned are male. Some are female. Most are now 16-17 years old. They come from middle-income earning homes where their mothers have been the cornerstone parental figure in their lives. Most have been students of Avondale College and Green Bay High. Some have attended other local schools like Waitakere College. Most have younger siblings. Some come from blended families. Some are estranged from their families.

    How do I know this? Because a group of individuals like myself have been researching the online lives of Beraiah Hales and Joseph Levall Parker. We have compiled a list of individuals with close associations and links to their group. We have also identified the five young women who appeared in the 3 News interview on Monday 4 November 2013 in support of Hales, Parker and their friends' activities.

    All this information was / has been posted by Hales, Parker and their associates over the last 4-5 years on various social media. All of it is in the public domain. Today, many of Hales' and Parker's associates are still posting and communicating on various social media.

    This research grew out of a group of individuals with no connection whatsoever to the case, trying to find more information about the people involved, via online. We come from various walks of life, from all parts of New Zealand and beyond.

    Our research is not going to replace a Police investigation or a media-driven obsession with the group. It's not going to address the political or ideological agendas individuals and groups will have towards this case and the issues it raises.

    We are not vigilantes. We do not condone any violence against the teenagers currently under investigation or their associates and families.

    We are everyday, ordinary people concerned about the safety of children and the stability of communities, trying to make a difference in the lives of the people we are responsible for. We respect the Rule of Law. We are taking it upon ourselves to be better informed about this case and the issues it raises.

    Enjoy your Friday.

    For more detailed information go to:

    1. Kia ora. Its Donna Awatere Huata here. The website is important in putting pressure on the Police and politicians to act. You were right in your reply to the article, "Its a tough week to be a woman" that Its a tough week to be a human. My intention is not to assuage the seriousness of the comments made by the RadioLive broadcasters but rather to highlight that those responsible for allowing these young men to carry on for a further two years ought to be the ones stood down and that there needed to be an even hand dealt to all four broadcasters not just the two Maori ones.

    2. Hello Donna,

      Thank you for taking a look at the Facebook page I linked here. (It's not my page by the way. I do not administer any pages on Facebook).

      I agree with your comments concerning Police negligence in this case. I am also concerned about the role broadcast media are playing in portrayal of this case. It was brought to my attention yesterday that one of the young women featured in the TV 3 interview has publically stated on one of her social media pages that their news team failed to meet an agreement to ensure their confidentiality by blurring images of their faces. All TV 3 did was not name them.

      Consequently, the story went to air. Faces fully revealed. Story angle: young females support a gang of teenage males preying on underage girls and raping them. Shocking enough - but let's put human faces on this and really crank up the drama. Public revulsion further cranked up, blasts through the stratosphere. Ratings bonanza. Don't worry about what we agreed to do. It's okay. They're teenagers thrilled to be on TV. They won't even realize what's happened. There'll be no blowback because the public will be so blinded by the horror. And if their safety is potentially put at risk? Well...

      If what this young woman says is true, then the above scenario is possible. If so, then what are we to make of a group of adult media professionals and their editorial decision-making? I accept that for anyone touched by this case it's hard not to allow yourself to be swayed by emotion. Journalists are human beings too. But to fail to retain the confidentiality of individuals in a story you know is going to have a significant impact on public opinion and could potentially threaten the safety of individuals involved? That's unforgiving in my view.

      (On that safety issue, I and at least half a dozen other people were able to identify these young women within 24 hours of the story going to air. The oldest is 19, the youngest 14)

      For that reason I think TV 3 should be brought to task over that story. Just like how RadioLive were brought to account for the "Amy" interview. (Incidentally the only material from the "Amy" interview I found useful was her description of the "Lair" - the room she alleges was used by the gang for group sexual assaults. Many of the individuals involved with the "Roastbusters" talk about the "Lair" online. Most kids from Avondale College and Green Bay High have heard the term mentioned over the past 18 months, although they did not understand the context.)

      In the two and a half years I have lived in NZ I have not been a regular listener of RadioLive shows. I know little about Mr Tamihere or Mr Jackson. From what I can tell they don't appear to be trained journalists. Honestly, I don't think NZ's broadcasting landscape will miss them.

    3. Kia ora Toulousain. With regards to Police negligence on this matter, Margaret Bazley reported back in 2007 on the need to change police culture. A SSC Report in 2011 states that progress has stalled because senior police lack the confidence to push through the necessary changes. This is now a political matter which neither Anne Tolley nor Judith Collins have what it takes to effect.
      With regards to W and JT being off the air.....So much of the media has normalised their personal revulsion of Maori that its rare to hear an unapologetic pro Maori voice.

    4. Hi Donna,

      Thanks for your reply. I get that. I'm afraid my knowledge of Maori integration into NZ's media framework is really limited. But it's good for me to hear that point of view. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Yep all broadcasters and anyone in privileged positions need to be called out for any sexist misogynist bullcrap. Which our Maori women's collective do all the time. Reducing the horrible interview with a cry of racism diminishes the experiences of the people Willy and JT walked over in that interview.

    I like what Sina says:

    "Sorry Donna Awatere Willie and JT are not victims of racism, they are victims of their own stupidity."

  12. Kia ora Marama. My post wasn't about the rights and wrongs of the interview and comments made by Sean and Andrew. Its about the racial profiling implicit in Giovanni not adding Sean and Andrew to his hunt. Its about the racial profiling implicit in the responsible police who let these young men continue to rape and who have not been stood down.

    1. Donna - for someone that has known John and Willie for as long as you have you must understand that neither man is a misogynist.They are surrounded by to many strong Maori woman to ever be such a thing and I mean that in terms of who they employ, their mothers, advisers and wives.

  13. Giovanni can you please explain to me why you haven't chased Sean Plunkett and Andrew Fagan with as much fervour.

  14. Um King Smith. You chase them then. We'll totally back you up.

    1. @ Marama: Wow, you seemed to have missed the basic tenor of my point in its entirety. Giovanni instigated this issue off of the back of isolating out a sound byte in a much broader korero - admittedly the sound byte did not reflect well on Willie Jackson and or John Tamihere and in its very line was not wise. However within the broader backdrop of their korero of which they denounce violence of any kind against woman it came down to the interview with Amy. Giovanni isolated out Willie Jackson and John Tamihere and we know what transpired. Why not Sean Plunkett and Andrew Fagan? Has this very simplistic equation missed you? Both men are still sitting in their broadcast booths broadcasting to New Zealand and having listened to their comments re this issue I cannot discern between what they expressed as broadcasters and what Willie Jackson and John Tamihere expressed. In fact I found both mens line on this more insensitive and errant. But nothing for Giovanni and that proffers the question as to why.

  15. Wow. Did you miss a few things yourself? Like how I say that all broadcasters need to be taken to task? Not happy with the way Gio did it then go sort something.
    As many are saying, the issue here isn't racism. It isn't.

  16. Interesting - ill reply to the posts that pose questions when I am back from where I am lols

  17. Re ‘Um King Smith. You chase them then. We'll totally back you up.’ If I were to ever seek help re something such as this I would go to the Kuia and leaders in the respective area I work and live. Why? I respect such people for what I have seen them do within our community. I would never ask for help from you and or expect it.

  18. I was the one who originally blogged on Andrew Fagan. I took a different approach to Tiso - preferring to expose what was said and leave it to others who felt strongly rather than to pursue a boycott strategy. Tiso and I took different approaches and ended up with different results, but I have little doubt that if Tiso had heard Fagan's comments live (as I did) he would have reacted consistently with his boycott of Willie and JT and also included Fagan as a target for similar treatment. As he says the timing wasn't there initially to include it and he had concluded that I (or others) were dealing already with Fagan's comments independently. However the boycott doesn't deal with the immediate crisis. I have directed my energies on the blog and behind the scenes towards pursuing the police in this matter and was, for example, responsible for putting Graham McCready and his private prosecution service together with TV3 and the victims they have spoken to - I thought this sort of thing would be more constructive than media games like driving people off the air.
